Previously the JJO furniture catalogues (for example, Avalon furniture) contained only the fitted furniture products, whilst the accessory products were in a separate "Components" catalogue..
In a recent update all of the furniture and accessory products are consolidated into the one catalogue. Therefore, there is a change to how you can setup discount and margins on the furniture catalogues, to achieve different discounts on the various different products.
How to set up discounts and margins
- From the main EQ toolbar select Supplier List.
- Scroll down to supplier name JJO plc and click to highlight it.
- Click the Catalogues button on the left.
This displays all the JJO catalogues you have loaded.
- Click on the first furniture catalogue name, for example Avalon Kitchens to highlight it.
- On each catalogue line make sure you have entered your default discount in the Disc % column (only the relevant trade or discount column will be enabled per catalogue) and enter a Margin % in the end column. Click in the boxes to type into them.
That is your default discount for each catalogue set. Now you can enter some exceptions for different product types.
- Click the button on the left Individual Prices.
The window displays every product, in every furniture range, and their base prices.
- Scroll to locate a product, or use the Find box to enter a product code and jump straight there.
For these instructions we will take lighting products as an example.
- Click on one of your light products. Enter the discount % you receive from the base price into the column Selling Disc %
- Enter the margin you want to add (even if it is the same as the default you entered in step 5). Type into the Selling Margin % column.
Now you have entered pricing on 1 product only, you can apply it to the whole type or type and category.
Right-click on the Selling Disc % you just typed in. You can pick to apply that to the same product type or same type and category. Click your preferred option and the same discount % will be filled in for all matching products.
Right-click on the Selling Margin % you just typed in. Do the same thing, apply to a product type or a type and category.
- Repeat the above steps to include any other product types that need values different to your default discount and margin.
Products with overrides on appear in a pale yellow highlight. Any products you do not specify in here will fall back to the default discount and margin you entered in step 5.
- Click Update at the bottom to save and close once you have completed all products.
Product Grouping
When using the new JJO catalogues you may also wish to change the way products are classified in Product Groups.
When non-furniture products are included in a furniture catalogue they may default to the Group "Furniture". This can be changed in System Config. For full information read the article Stop non-furniture products showing as Furniture (Quotation Groups as sub-headings)
Catalogue discounts and margins
Catalogue discount and margin levels overview
How to setup discounts and margins on a catalogue (level 1)
How to setup discounts and margins for specific product groups or ranges (level 2)
How to setup discounts and margins for individual products (special prices) (level 3)