The Discounts & Margins button is the 2nd level of discount overrides. It overrides the discount and margin that is set against a whole catalogue. This level allows you to specify a discount and/or margin against product groups (appliance catalogues) or furniture ranges (furniture catalogues).
For an overview of discount and margin levels refer to this article.
This article covers:
Opening the Discount & Margins button
Setting a Discount and Margin - Furniture Catalogues
Setting a Discount and Margin - Non-furniture Catalogues
Product Type Discounts (furniture catalogues only)
Opening the Discount & Margins button
Click: Suppliers List (main toolbar)
Select a supplier name
Click the Catalogues button
Select a catalogue name and click the Discounts & Margins button:
Depending on the type of catalogue (furniture or not) the window will show a different list. Follow the steps for:
Furniture Catalogue
When you click Discounts & Margins on a furniture catalogue the window will open and display furniture ranges as the screenshot below.
Note the first column will be titled Range when you are editing a furniture catalogue and it will show all the furniture ranges (as below)

- Enter your Disc % in the left column (only the Trade or Retail Disc % column will be enabled, depending on the catalogue type).
What you enter on the (Default Discount) line will apply to all lines until you override them. - You should also enter your desired Margin % in the right column.
- Repeat for all of the ranges.
Discount Schemes are a mechanism to apply a discount and margin combination to more than 1 record quickly (compared to needing to type figures in on multiple rows. See the below section on Discount Schemes.
Non-Furniture Catalogue
When you click Discounts & Margins on a non-furniture catalogue the window will open and display rows for each product type and category, as in the screenshot below:
- Enter your Disc % in the left column (only the Trade or Retail Disc % column will be enabled, depending on the catalogue type).
What you enter on the (Default Discount) line will apply to all lines until you override them. - You should also enter your desired Margin % in the right column.
- Repeat for all of the categories of product needed.
Discount Schemes are a mechanism to apply a discount and margin combination to more than 1 record quickly (compared to needing to type figures in on multiple rows. See the below section on Discount Schemes.
Discount Schemes
You can apply 1 set of discounts and margins to multiple lines by making a Discount Scheme. This makes it quicker to update in future.
This example shows most of the catalogue has a 10% discount and 50% margin except for 3 lines which have a Discount Scheme called Accessory products, and they have a 5% discount and 40% margin.
- From within the Discount & Margins window (follow the steps above), click the Discount Schemes button (on the right).
- Click Add to create a title of the scheme. This can be any title you will recognise.
- Click Update to save the scheme name(s).
- For a range or category that needs a discount different from the default, click the arrow under Discount Scheme and click the name you just entered.
Enter a discount percentage next to the scheme (either discount, margin or both).
- Now select this discount scheme next to another line. You will see the same percentages are applied.
Every time you edit a figure on a Discount Scheme ALL occurrences of that scheme will change immediately to use the new figures.
Supplier Specific Discounts
If a catalogue has been produced using supplier specific discount groups, you will be notified when you click the Discounts & Margins button by a message which reads:
"This catalogue contains supplier specific discount structure. Enabling this feature allows you to record the discounts against the suppliers own discount codes rather than through EQ's product types and categories
Would you like to enable it
Yes or No"
If you click Yes the next screen will then list "Discount Groups" rather than product types. These groups are specific to the catalogue you are using. You use this window in the same way as other catalogues discounts and margins. When you enable supplier specific discounts, they replace ALL the standard catalogue pricing hierarchy.
- Enter a Disc % figure (only Trade or Retail columns will be enabled for the catalogue type)
- Enter a Margin % figure next to each line that is not to be left at the default value.
This is an example of supplier specific discount codes on PWS Doors:
For a list of the currently supported supplier specific discount codes click here.
If you click No the next screen will then list the types and categories (for non-furniture) or ranges (for furniture) as detailed in the 2 sections above.
Product Type Discounts (furniture catalogues only)
As well as working with 1 percentage discount on a particular range (or product group) you can enter a different discount according to the type of product within the currently selected discount scheme.
- When you click Discounts & Margins on a furniture catalogue the window will open and display furniture ranges as the screenshot below.
- Setup at least 1 Discount Scheme (according to the section above).
- Click on a row which has the discount scheme you want to edit.
(Remember you are editing the discount scheme not just the 1 range).
- Click the Product Type Discounts button:
- Enter a discount percentage next to the product types.
For example, you may have a special discount only on certain base units, as shown in the example below. (When you change a discount it will highlight in pink for easier visibility.)
EQ will only let you enter Trade Disc % or Retail Disc %, according to the prices in the catalogue, so don't worry about entering figures into the wrong column.
This detail is editing the product type within the selected Discount Scheme (scheme name is shown at the top left of this window), so it will change discounts for all the ranges that you apply this Discount Scheme.
- Click OK to save and close the settings.
Catalogue discounts and margins
Catalogue discount and margin levels overview
How to setup discounts and margins on a catalogue (level 1)
How to setup discounts and margins for specific product groups or ranges (level 2)
How to setup discounts and margins for individual products (special prices) (level 3)