This tab holds information that needs to be set if exporting EQ invoices to an accounts package.
Click: Suppliers List (main toolbar) > click a supplier name > click the Account Details tab:
Click Edit to make changes and then Update to save them.
Account Details
Supplier Account Code
This is to enter your account code from your supplier. It is printed on your purchase order template.
Accounts Code
Enter your account code for this supplier. This is used when you export the supplier records and invoices to accounts software (you should match the code with your accounts software). We suggest an 8 character limit on this field to match Sage accounts software.
VAT Code/Rate
Select VAT rate from the drop down box. The entries in the drop down box are set in company details.
Nominal Code
Enter your supplier nominal code
Settlement Discount
In the first box enter the percentage that you will receive for settling your invoice early and in the second box enter the number of days that this applies.
Enter further accounts details as below. They are not all compulsory.
Supplier/Group Code
Subledger Code
Activity Code
Commodity Type