EQ has the ability to create PDF versions of most documents to make it easy to share, email and save. Before generating your first PDF the EQ PDF Driver needs to be installed.
The PDF driver is installed on a per computer basis so the below steps will need to be repeated on each individual computer that runs EQ.
If you experience any difficulty using this link, try copying and pasting this link into your browsers address bar: http://eq.compusoftgroup.com/documents/software/EQ_PDF_Printer.exe
Before you begin close EQ on the current computer.
1. To download the PDF driver right-click on the link and Run.
2. It will prompt you for a password to install it which is 120521-leig@eqsoftware.net
You will need to run this same installer on each PC that runs EQ.
To use the PDF driver:
Generate your documents in EQ as usual, clicking the Save PDF button: (Don't change the name of the printer to EQ PDF Printer, leave it as your usual printer):
When the PDF is created it is automatically saved into your chosen folder. The chosen folder is set in the Document Archive settings, advice on changing it is here.