Enter details here when adding a new product, or click Edit to amend an existing product.
Select My Catalogue on the main toolbar. The My Catalogue window opens. See the Product Details tab at the top of the window:
When adding a new product all fields between product code down to selling price are compulsory and must not be left blank otherwise the product will not show on the search screen.
Product Details
Select a sub-catalogue from the drop down box. This helps assign the product to the relevant section within your catalogues. Note: It is recommended to complete the Catalogue title (making your own titles for "sub-parts" of My Catalogue for easy filtering of products at a later time)
Complete this with the suppliers code (if applicable) or create your own. Keep the code as short as possible for ease. Avoid using spaces.
This description is the main product and appears on all relevant documents.
Not compulsory and can be left blank if not needed.
Height, Width, Depth
Product dimensions in mm. Not compulsory and can be left blank if not needed.
Select from a preset list of product types.
Select from a preset list of categories. The category is dependent on the type you select.
Pricing Details
Select from the drop down list. If the supplier is not listed here you can add your own supplier in the Supplier List screen.
Select from the drop down list. You will need to use "Each" for most products but you can select other options. E.g in case a delivery charge depends on the value of all furniture ordered.
• Each
• Per Square Metre
• Linear Metres
• Quantity Calculation
• Price Calculation
• Auto Discount/Margin
• % of Main Item
• % Product Types [After Discount]
• % of Total [Before Discount or After Discount]
• % of Furniture [Before Discount or After Discount]
• % of Doors [Full Component orders. Before Discount or After Discount]
• % of Carcases [Component orders. Before Discount or After Discount]
• Points Conversion
• Cost as a % of Sales
• Order Header 1 - 10
• Publication
Cost Price
Enter the nett price you pay the supplier, excluding VAT.
Selling Price
Enter the selling price that you charge the customer, excluding VAT.
Enter a percentage figure to calculate your sell price as cost price plus margin. The selling price box will be completed automatically.
Enter a percentage figure to calculate your cost price by taking discount from the selling price. The cost price box will be completed automatically.
You cannot use margin % AND discount % at the same time, as only one calculation is necessary. Input one figure and EQ will calculate the other.
Enter any free text in this box and it can appear on quote/order printouts. You can use this for any product details that are relevant e.g. full appliance specification.
Right-click this empty box:
• Select Image to select a JPG image from your computer if you have one.
• Search Internet for Image to automatically open your web browser at a Google image search for the product code. If you find a picture you would then need to save it to your computer to use it.
• Reset Image to clear the image that already exists.
The image can be any common graphic file type and can be located anywhere on your PC. However if you are using a multiuser system is it sensible to use the EQ 'My Pictures' folder because it will be accessible by all users.
The 'My Pictures' folder is created with your EQ data folder. By default this is C:\easyquote\my pictures. See work files under file locations for more detail.
Remember : Always click Update to save when you have made any changes
Working with your own products
Adding own products to My Catalogue
My Catalogue Product Details tab
My Catalogue Additional Info tab
Exporting and Importing Products in My Catalogue
Adding a special product to My Catalogue (auto discount/margin)