EQ can print your company branding with logo on the top of all business documents, instead of printing the company name and address. The graphic file should contain your logo and other letterhead details such as contact details. The graphic can be setup as 1 for the whole EQ system or you can specify different logos per EQ user, which is helpful if users work across different showrooms (with different contact details).
The default graphic is userlogo.bmp which is a fixed size of 720 (wide) x 124 (high) pixels.
If you are printing onto pre-made letterhead, follow the same instructions but when editing your userlogo save the graphic as completely white.
You can download a blank white graphic of this size, from the bottom of this article.
These instructions include:
Part 2 Edit the logo (in Paint)
Part 1 Enable the logo
Company Logo (same for all users)
- In EQ go to System Config (top toolbar) and click General Layout.
- Tick the box Show Company Logo.
This displays the default graphic on each printed document. - Click Update to save and close the settings.
User Logo (specify for different users)
- In EQ go to System Config, click the arrow underneath and select Users
- Click on the username you wish to edit, to select it.
- Click the button Additional Info on the right.
- Click the Logo tab.
The default (company) graphic may be shown here already. - To select a different logo file click Select Image.
If EQ is installed on your network and is shared in your company it is recommended to save the logos within your EQ data folder or other network accessible location. Do not save an image onto the local PC only.
Part 2 Edit the logo
By default the graphic contains “Your Name Here Ltd” text but this now needs replacing with your own logo. You also need to include your address details because the graphic fills the top section of the documents and replaces the address.
Either open System Config and under General Layout click the Locate Logo button:
The button opens Windows Explorer to show you the graphic file. The default graphic is called userlogo.bmp and it is in the EQ installation folder, which defaults to C:\Program Files (x86)\Easyquote4.
If you are setting a different logo for different users, navigate your files in Windows to find the graphic to edit.
Alternatively you can download a blank userlogo.bmp from the bottom of this article.
- Right-click the userlogo.bmp file and go to Open With… and pick Paint . (NB If you use other graphic editing software you can use this to make the changes but these instructions show the use of Paint).
View the video or follow the numbered steps below for help using Paint to edit your graphic.
- Use the rectangle tool and select all of the graphic. Then use the Delete button to delete the contents.
- If you want to print on headed paper save the image now and close Paint. The white logo will have created a blank space at the top of the document so you can print on headed paper. You can increase the size of the “gap” by going to EQ > System Config > General Layout and increasing the document header from 39mm to a maximum of 85mm.
- You can copy and paste your company logo into this image and position it. You can also insert text for the contact details by using the A button. There is no limit to the contents of this image, but ensure that the graphic is always kept at the same size: 720 pixels by 124 pixels.
- Save the graphic when you are finished. Close and re-open EQ. Go to a print preview and you will see the new graphic appearing as the header. If you make amendments to the logo, restart EQ before going to print to see the changes.
Download a blank userlogo
Use the file below to print on letterhead (leave the image white) or copy and paste your own logo into it as per the instructions above.