The tabbed headings across the bottom of the screen show all the orders and related information for each customer. It is a smaller view of what the projects screen shows:
Any columns displaying a * in the column heading have right-click options.
You can right-click on the Order Ref in all of the tabs to access one common right-click menu.
This tab displays the groups which you have assigned to the currently selected customer. A customer can be assigned to more than one group, and you can use the Filter List button to easily filter customer records.
Contact history is used to store all contact you have had with a customer, e.g. appointments, calls, e-mails etc. Information is displayed in a list with the most recent entry at the top. Right-click the date column to open the details and right-click on the comments to open a detailed view of the comments.
All quotes for this customer are displayed with the most recent at the top. Right-click the quote ref to interact with it. Note that a quote moves over to the sales orders tab once it has been accepted or the purchase orders have been placed (whichever is done first). The quote ref becomes the order ref so one number follows the order all the way through the system.
Sales Orders
All orders for this customer are displayed with the most recent at the top. Right-click the order ref to interact with it. A sales order reference number is the same as a quote reference number so one number follows the order all the way through the system.
Purchase Orders
When a purchase order has been raised (by print or e-mail) an entry is created in this tab. Right-click the P/O Ref to interact with purchase order functions.
When an invoice is raised an entry is created in this tab. Right-click on the Inv No. to interact with invoice functions.
When a payment has been recorded an entry appears in this tab. Right-click the Ref to open the payment to make any changes to it.