Click Customer List on the top toolbar:
The left side of the customer screen has the following buttons:
A customer folder is used to store information that comes from outside EQ, e.g. Word documents, e-mails, pictures so they are all kept in one central location. A folder is created each time you add a new customer. By default folders are created in your EQ data folder but you can change the location in system configuration.
Click the drop down arrow to see actions for a folder:
• Copy or Move a file into the customer folder
• Place shortcut to a file into the customer folder
• Click Change Folder to change the name of the folder. By default this is the customer name and account code.
• Combine Documents that are in PDF format, to create a pack of information. Contact support for activation and assistance with this function.
This option is only required when using the EQ mobile app EQ Calendar.
New Quote/Order
Start a new quote with the customer's name already completed. Any customer discount is ready to be applied:
• Left-click to being a new furniture quote.
• Right-click to begin a new quick quote (non-furniture).
• Click the drop down arrow to pick a quote type to begin with. Quote type e.g. kitchen, utility, quick quote.
New Opportunity
For those using the Opportunities module, a new opportunity can be created from here. Click the button and fill in the relevant details, press update to save the opportunity.
Print List
Click to print the list of all customers being displayed. Use the Filter List button first to set criteria and print a filtered list.
Customer groups allow you to allocate 1 customer record to more than one group. This helps you filter the list and find and display customers who meet the group's criteria. Unlike customer types you can assign a customer to multiple groups.
• Click Groups to show a list of existing groups (no groups exist by default).
• Click Define Groups to add your own groups. E.g. Group A, A1 and then the next row Group A, A2.
• You can build up a list of group titles and groups.
New Communication
Click this button to add a new entry into Communication, e.g an appointment, a visit or phone call. Communication entries appear in the communication tab with the most recent at the top. Sending e-mails and texts also create an entry here.
Send e-mails directly to your customer. Use templates and merge fields to generate standard e-mails quickly. If you filter a list and use the Customers menu on the top menubar you can bulk send e-mails to multiple customers.
Text (SMS)
Send text messages to your customer. These use credits which you can purchase online in System Config, 1 text is 1 credit. Text messages use common templates with e-mails so you can send standard information quickly. If you filter a list and use the Customers menu on the top menubar you can bulk send text messages to multiple customers.
Click this button if you are beginning a new quote from an existing CAD plan. EQ can read CAD plans from Winner Flex and other compatible CAD systems.
Click the drop down arrow for all options:
• Create a new plan in the CAD software (the files are automatically saved in the EQ customer folder)
• Copy or Move a plan into the customer folder
• Place shortcut to a plain into the customer folder
• Open an existing plan (shows the plan name)