1. Click the Customer List button on the top toolbar:
2. Click the General Notes tab.
3. Ensure you click Edit to make changes.
If your system is using free type notes: This is a large text box so you can enter free text n this box regarding the customer. You can right-click a blank part of the window to add a date/time stamp entry. The contents of this box can be edited or deleted at any time.
If your system is using formatted notes: Click the Add Note button. Type your notes into the popup window and click Update. A date/time stamp will be added and your note will be shown next to it. This note cannot be deleted.
Settings to change between free type notes or formatted notes
- Click System Config on the top toolbar.
- Select Customer Database from the left
- Tick or un-tick Use Formatted Notes.
- Click Update to save and close.
- Next time you add a note via Customer > General Notes the behaviour will have changed.