This screen lists the different CAD links which are available. A CAD link makes it easy to import a list of products from your plan into an EQ quote. Remove the ticks next to those that you do not use to make the list of options shorter when you are importing a plan into a quote.
This covers settings under the headings:
Click: System Config > Optional Modules > CAD Link
CAD Link Configuration
This lists all compatible CAD packages. If you use one of these in conjunction with pricing in EQ, tick the box to enable it.
Default CAD Link
Select the CAD software package you use most frequently, so the CAD import menu within a quote defaults to this.
Winner CAD Link Options
Automatically select CAD link favourites
Tick this to enable the Winner match products screen to automatically select products you have previously saved as favourites.
Suppress product options dialogues, when importing from Winner
Tick this to prevent product options screens from showing, for any relevant products, when you import them into a quote. (For example you will sometimes be able to select additional accessory products). EQ will use the product details from the Winner plan where available. You can still double-click on each product code on the quote to check or change product details.
Virtual Worlds Installation Settings
Locate Virtual Worlds Folders
Click this button so that EQ will try to locate the folders where Virtual Worlds and its catalogues are installed.
If your folders are in a non-standard location and not automatically completed, click the ... button next to each of the folder paths to manually select the folder.
You can select a catalogues path that is on a networked computer.
Check EQ customer to Virtual Worlds client details
Tick this box to enable customer detail matching. On every opening or importing of a Virtual Worlds plan, EQ will compare the EQ customer details, with the Virtual Worlds client details, and if there are any differences, the details will be shown on screen with the differences highlighted. You can select to replace information as shown here:
In addition to this global switch, you can select to turn off the customer details matching on a per customer basis, by ticking the box Don't ask again.
If you have selected this, you can reverse the option on the Customer List > Delivery/Misc tab > under Virtual Worlds Client Matching:
Match Tolerance
Leave these settings at their default of 40mm unless instructed by support.