These options allow you to restrict the placing of purchase orders based on maximum order value or the status of an order, for example whether the order has been accepted first. You can setup override security levels.
Click: System Config > Purchase Orders > Restrictions
Order Level Restrictions
Here you can enter the maximum order values for a main order, add-on orders and remedial orders.
In the override security level box enter a security level as set in passwords and security settings. This will allow a user with that level or higher to override the setting and proceed with placing the order.
Don't allow purchase orders to be raised from a quotation
Ticking this requires that a quote is accepted to become a sales order, before a purchase order can be generated.
Don't allow furniture items to be deleted once the purchase order has been generated
With this enabled it gives an extra level of security so users cannot remove any furniture products from an order once they have been placed on purchase order.
Don't allow furniture headings to be changed once the purchase order has been generated.
When this is enabled the furniture choices (range, colour, edging, doors etc) cannot be changed after the purchase order has been sent to the supplier.
Don't allow the purchase price to be changed once the purchase order has been generated
When this is enabled the cost price cannot be change after a purchase order has been sent to the supplier.
Don't allow the purchase order to be changed once the purchase invoice has been recorded
When this is enabled, if you have recorded your supplier's purchase invoice details against your EQ order then the purchase order cannot be changed.
Don't allow the purchase order to be cancelled once the purchase invoice has been recorded
When this is enabled, if you have recorded your supplier's purchase invoice details against your EQ order then the purchase order cannot be cancelled.