Each furniture and door catalogue has a set of prompts you must complete when starting a new quote. These settings allow you to add your 10 own prompts (regardless of which catalogue is being used). You can use the following options to create prompts for quick quotes (non-furniture) too.
Click: System Config > Quotations & Pricing > Heading Prompts
Quotation Type
Pick from the drop down list of quote types. This is the same quote types list as used for the validation rules.
Add a new prompt by typing in the box. A prompt will be your "question" and then you must select how you will complete the option which is your "answer".
Free type
Select this to allow you to type free text against the prompt. This means your answer is not limited in any way.
This provides a list of possible options for you to choose from. You need to complete a list of possible answers on the headings screen. When you begin a new quote click the Edit Popup Contents () icon next to your heading.
Select this if you do not require an answer to your prompt. The prompt will appear on your printed quotation.
Tick to make the heading mandatory so you cannot proceed without completing the option.
Show on Purchase Order
Tick to show the heading on the purchase order. This is useful in cases where the supplier needs to see the option.
Show prompts on 'Quick Quotes'
Tick the box to show the heading prompts on a quick quote. Usually quick quotes do not show a headings box because they have no furniture information to display but if this box is ticked the custom headings will be shown when you being a quick quote.
You can have up to 5 prompts per quote type. Fields that are not required can be left empty.
My Component Configuration
You can configure component catalogue headings so there are default catalogue ranges for carcases and doors, when users click New Furniture Quote.
Click the button to open the configuration window.