These options change the way component quotations work and options shown on the quote/order screen.
Click: System Config > Quotations & Pricing > Component Pricing
Show Door/Drawer Front separately
Tick to list door and drawer fronts separately, otherwise they will be included in the unit price.
Learn Door Handings
With this option enabled EQ will remember the door handing combinations you use.
Don't show alternative door options
When enabled it will not display a list of alternative doors (in a product selector window) when you add a door to a quote.
Zero door selling prices if subitem (All Catalogues)
Tick to remove selling prices of doors when they are added a sub-item to a unit.
Zero door cost prices if subitem (All Catalogues)
Tick to remove cost prices of doors when they are added a sub-item to a unit.
If you zero the selling prices it is advisable to zero the cost price so that the costings screen does not show a loss. Note that with zero cost prices your purchase order for the doors will also be at zero.
Individual Carcase Catalogues
Click the Individual Carcase Catalogues button to selectively remove prices of doors in some catalogues only. Tick the boxes to make your choices and click Update to save the window.
Reset Options
Reset Own Door Configurations
Removes and deletes the configurations you have set for doors
Reset Own Descriptions
Change all product descriptions back to the original catalogue descriptions and discard your previously saved descriptions.
Reset Auto Handings
Resets all door handings that had been "learned" and saved
Clean up own descriptions
Reset product descriptions.
Reset Auto Handings
Resets all unit handings saved against furniture products