Document archiving is how you can create an archived copy of a document (as a PDF) every time you use Print. Archived documents are best stored in the customer folders. This is useful if you want to look back at a previous printout.
These settings change:
Order Archive (once completed)
Click: System Config > Documents > Document Archiving
Automatically Archive All Business Documents
Tick this box to enable document archiving
Document Filename
Pick a detail from each of the 5 drop down boxes. These make up the PDF file name for easy identification of finding the file again.
E.g. A1945 Quotation 14-08-2007 09-00.pdf
The filename above is made up from:
- internal reference (order number)
- document name
- the current date
- the current time
Archive Location
Select where to save the archived files to:
Customers Folder - One folder is created for each customer record. If a folder doesn't exist as a document is created you will prompted to make a customer folder by clicking Yes. By default this will be C:\EQ\customers but if your PCs are networked check your file locations.
Document Archive Folder - One folder is created to hold all archived documents. The folder contains sub-folders for each document type, i.e. quotations, purchase orders, returns notes. By default this will be C:\EQ\data\documents but if your PCs are networked check your file locations.
Order Folder - One folder is created for each quote/order, and is named with the order reference. By default this will be C:\EQ\customers\orders\ but if your PCs are networked check your file locations.
Archive Type
The instructions above have assumed the archiving is creating PDF files but it can also be set to archive as HTML files. Pick either option by clicking on it.
You will need the free Adobe Reader software to open PDF files. (Adobe Reader is not supported by EQ).
The HTML option creates 1 HTML file and 1 folder containing the images used e.g. company logo, brochure image etc). You need to keep both in the same location in order to open the HTML files. HTML files are viewed in your web browser, e.g. Internet Explorer.
Order Archive
Archive after the full invoice is raised
Tick to automatically archive the order after a full invoice has been completed.