Multicompany setups allow you to have additional EQ databases within the same installation of the program (requires EQ Professional). You can keep databases completely separate. These settings allow you to create a new multi-company or change location of the databases.
One common use for multicompany is to create an archive company to store old data, e.g. orders from over 12 months ago. There is no limit to the number of companies you can have.
Click: System Config>Multicompany
Note on automatic catalogue downloading:
If you are creating a multi-company for the purpose of storing archived orders, and you do not require catalogues to be kept up-to-date please disable the automatic catalogue updates otherwise you will see extra un-necessary catalogues being downloaded to your system.
To do this:
1.Re-open EQ and log into the archive multicompany (the password will be blank unless you have set one)
2.Click System Config > Automatic Catalogue Downloads > tick Disable automatic catalogue updates
Create a Multicompany
- Click Create New Company and say Yes to the confirmation
- Complete the company name as you would like it to appear. If this is for an archive company you could put the months or years you will store there.
- Leave the data location line at the default, which will be in DATAx within your EQ\data folder where x is a number NB Even if you want to move the data folder elsewhere leave this location while the company is created, and edit it later.
- You can change the company logo to any image file on your PC, but this isn't compulsory.
- Click Update to save the settings and close the window.
- Wait while the new databases are created.
Using a multicompany
- Close EQ down and then re-open the program
- On the password screen you will have a drop down box showing your extra name(s).
- Click the desired name and click OK to login (A new company has a blank password by default - this can be changed under System Config > Users)
Note on Auto-numbering
If you plan to move orders between companies ensure you set a different auto-numbering prefix and number range. See auto-numbering. This ensures orders cannot get overwritten when importing.