With EQ version 17.6.1 and above there is a new integration with the leading bathroom CAD package, Virtual Worlds.
It is possible to create a design plan in Virtual Worlds and import all of the products into an EQ quote for quick pricing and ordering, saving the need to manually re-enter products.
Before you can use the features here you need to make sure you have:
- EQ version 17.6.1 or later.
- EQ Virtual Worlds CAD module activated (EQ support can enable this for you).
- Virtual Worlds version 8.0.284 or later.
During installation of Virtual Worlds you need to select the EQ integration pack using this tick box:
If Virtual Worlds is already installed, you can re-run the installer and tick only EQ Integration. Un-tick the other boxes.
Once installed, within Virtual Worlds you need to enable your One Price credentials:
- On the main menu go to Tools > Options
- Select Cloud Accounts on the left
- Enter your One Price credentials:
- Click OK to save and close the options.
Watch the video, read the steps below or click through a short guide:
Instructions when EQ and Virtual Worlds are installed on the same PC:
Create a new plan in Virtual Worlds
The following instructions apply when EQ and Virtual Worlds are installed on the same computer as each other.
In EQ click Customer List on the top toolbar:
Create a new customer, or locate an existing customer.
Click the VW Plan button on the left.
Virtual Worlds now opens:
The customer details from EQ will be automatically entered into the Virtual Worlds client details, so you do not need to enter them again, but you can make changes.
Next time you open this plan EQ will compare details, and if there are differences between EQ and Virtual Worlds, you can decide to merge them.
Click Continue past the design and client information.
Select your room template or use the sketchpad to create a room as your usual planning steps. Continue your design, saving your design as you go.
Your design is saved as a VWX file which will be stored in the EQ customer folder. This makes it easy to return to your plan in the future and you don't need to worry about where to save files. EQ names the file with your customer name and EQ customer reference. Additional plans have a number incremented on the end of the filename.
You can save and close Virtual Worlds, and return to the plan as many times as needed. Follow the steps below to open an existing plan.
Open an existing Virtual Worlds plan
The following instructions apply when EQ and Virtual Worlds are installed on the same computer as each other.
Note on previously saved plans: Because Virtual Worlds version 8.0.284 saves extra product information with your plan for EQ to import, you can only use the EQ integration with plans that you have started in version 8.0.284 or later. If you have VWX plans saved from older versions of Virtual Worlds you cannot use these plans with this integration.
In EQ click Customer List on the top toolbar:
Use the drop down arrow next to Plan and pick Open Plan [PLAN NAME] There will be 1 entry for every plan you have saved.
- Virtual Worlds opens and you can continue with your design.
As you work in Virtual Worlds just save your design as normal. It will continue to be saved into EQ's customer folder.
Customer Detail Matching
If any of the Virtual Worlds client details, or EQ customer details have been changed since you last worked on this plan, EQ will show you a matching screen and highlight any differences.
EQ fields are blue and Virtual Worlds fields are purple. Click the selection buttons in the middle to select these options:
EQ - Replaces the data in your VWX plan with the EQ customer data.
No Change - Leaves both EQ and VW unchanged (details will remain different).
VW - Replaces the data in EQ with the client data from your VWX.
As you click each option, you can see a preview of how the data will be changed. You can hover your mouse cursor over the field to see the original data.
If you do not wish to be prompted about customer details you can tick Don't ask again at the bottom right corner.
If you never wish to be prompted about customer details you can go to EQ's System Config > CAD Links > Virtual Worlds client matching and tick Don't check customer to client details.
Import a Virtual Worlds plan into an EQ quote
Once you have finished your plan you are now ready to import the products to EQ to be priced and ordered. You need to have created and saved your plan in Virtual Worlds through EQ as per the above steps.
In addition to the steps below you can also click through a short guide in just 10 steps here (opens in a new tab)
Note on previously saved plans: Because this version of Virtual Worlds saves extra product information with your plan for EQ to import, you can only use the EQ integration with plans that you have started in this current version of Virtual Worlds. If you have VWX plans saved from older versions of Virtual Worlds you cannot use these plans with this integration.
Create a quote by clicking the New Quote/Order button on the EQ customer screen:
Start a new quote.
If quoting with fitted furniture items select a Furniture Quote and complete the heading options for your manufacturer range and colour choices.
If you have only other bathroom products (e.g. sanitary ware and modular furniture), you can use a new Quick Quote. Click OK.
From the blank quote, on the bottom toolbar click the
drop down arrow next to the VW New Plan button. Click on Import from [PLAN NAME]:
Customer Detail Matching
If any of the Virtual Worlds client details, or EQ customer details have been changed since you last worked on this plan, EQ will show you a matching screen and highlight any differences.
EQ fields are blue and Virtual Worlds fields are purple. Click the selection buttons in the middle to select these options:EQ - Replaces the data in your VWX plan with the EQ customer data.
No Change - Leaves both EQ and VW unchanged (details will remain different).
VW - Replaces the data in EQ with the client data from your VWX.
As you click each option, you can see a preview of how the data will be changed. You can hover your mouse cursor over the field to see the original data.If you do not wish to be prompted about customer details you can tick Don't ask again at the bottom right corner.
Product Matching
- The Match Products screen opens:
On the left, you will see the products imported from Virtual Worlds and when you click on a product, displayed on the right hand are the EQ product equivalents. -
Select the items you wish to import by putting a X in the box to the left of each product
Unmatched red products
Products that appear in red do not automatically match to an EQ product. Click on a red product and click Match Products button. You will then be able to use the Product Details screen to select an appropriate product code in EQ.
When you select the product, you will be asked if you would like to link this product in the future. Click Yes and the match will be remembered the next time you import that product code.
Matched black productsProducts in black without an X mark require you to select an alternative from the right of the screen, because EQ is presenting multiple options for the code.
Products in black with an X are already matched and selected. No action is required.
Import Products -
Once you have selected the items you require (all these items are now identified with an X in the box) click the button Import Matched Products into Quote at the bottom.
Whilst importing you may encounter some prompt boxes, such as a door selector or a screen to choose product options. Choose the relevant options to continue to the quotation screen, displaying all of your products.
Instructions when EQ is on a remote server and Virtual Worlds is on your PC:
Create a new plan in Virtual Worlds
The following instructions apply when Virtual Worlds is installed on your computer, and EQ is installed on another PC or remote hosted server.
- Open Virtual Worlds directly and enter your client details as usual:
Proceed through the sketchpad to create your room and then begin designing.
- When you click File > Save, enter a name for your plan. e.g. Smith bathroom.vwx
Ensure you know which folder you are saving your plan into. - You should continue working on your design directly in Virtual Worlds, editing and saving as much as needed.
Open an existing Virtual Worlds plan
The following instructions apply when Virtual Worlds is installed on your computer, and EQ is installed on another PC or remote hosted server.
Note on previously saved plans: Because Virtual Worlds version 8.0.284 saves extra product information with your plan for EQ to import, you can only use the EQ integration with plans that you have started in version 8.0.284 or later. If you have VWX plans saved from older versions of Virtual Worlds you cannot use these plans with this integration.
Whilst you are designing, continue to use Virtual Worlds directly by opening Virtual Worlds and selecting File > Open to work on your plan.
Keep saving your changes into the plan file using the File > Save option.
Import a Virtual Worlds plan into an EQ quote
Once you have finished your plan you are now ready to import the products to EQ to be priced and ordered. The following instructions apply when Virtual Worlds is installed on your computer, and EQ is installed on another PC or remote hosted server.
Note on previously saved plans: Because this version of Virtual Worlds saves extra product information with your plan for EQ to import, you can only use the EQ integration with plans that you have started in this current version of Virtual Worlds. If you have VWX plans saved from older versions of Virtual Worlds you cannot use these plans with this integration.
- On your PC locate your saved Virtual Worlds plan by opening the File Explorer window with this icon on the Windows taskbar:
Navigate to the folder where your plan is saved, e.g. Smith bathroom.vwx:
Right-click your plan file and select Copy.
- Connect to your remote server and login to EQ.
This usually uses the Remote Desktop icon in Windows: - Within EQ click the Customer List icon on the toolbar:
- Locate your customer. or add a new customer if they are new.
- Click the Folder icon on the left of your customer:
A new Windows Explorer folder opens. - Right-click in some of the blank white space and select Paste.
Your plan file will now be copied into your EQ customer folder. -
Close the folder to return to EQ.
Create a quote by clicking the New Quote/Order button on the EQ customer screen:
Start a new quote.
If quoting with fitted furniture items select a Furniture Quote and complete the heading options for your manufacturer range and colour choices.
If you have only other bathroom products (e.g. sanitary ware and modular furniture), you can use a new Quick Quote. Click OK.
From the blank quote, on the bottom toolbar click the
drop down arrow next to the VW New Plan button. Click on Import from [PLAN NAME]:
Customer Detail Matching
If any of the Virtual Worlds client details, or EQ customer details have been changed since you last worked on this plan, EQ will show you a matching screen and highlight any differences.
EQ fields are blue and Virtual Worlds fields are purple. Click the selection buttons in the middle to select these options:EQ - Replaces the data in your VWX plan with the EQ customer data.
No Change - Leaves both EQ and VW unchanged (details will remain different).
VW - Replaces the data in EQ with the client data from your VWX.
As you click each option, you can see a preview of how the data will be changed. You can hover your mouse cursor over the field to see the original data.If you do not wish to be prompted about customer details you can tick Don't ask again at the bottom right corner.
Product Matching
- The Match Products screen opens:
On the left, you will see the products imported from Virtual Worlds and when you click on a product, displayed on the right hand are the EQ product equivalents. -
Select the items you wish to import by putting a X in the box to the left of each product
Unmatched red products
Products that appear in red do not automatically match to an EQ product. Click on a red product and click Match Products button. You will then be able to use the Product Details screen to select an appropriate product code in EQ.
When you select the product, you will be asked if you would like to link this product in the future. Click Yes and the match will be remembered the next time you import that product code.
Matched black productsProducts in black without an X mark require you to select an alternative from the right of the screen, because EQ is presenting multiple options for the code.
Products in black with an X are already matched and selected. No action is required.
Import Products -
Once you have selected the items you require (all these items are now identified with an X in the box) click the button Import Matched Products into Quote at the bottom.
Whilst importing you may encounter some prompt boxes, such as a door selector or a screen to choose product options. Choose the relevant options to continue to the quotation screen, displaying all of your products.
See also