When you are placing a purchase order to a supplier you can add a delivery charge if your supplier charges it. This adds a line item to your sales order with the delivery charge as a cost price (£0 selling price) so that it is reflected in your order's costings and it can be attributed if you record purchase invoices.
If you want to issue a delivery charge to your customer, do this by adding a My Catalogue product with your desired code, description and prices. This article applies to a supplier issued delivery charge.
Read below:
Setup the delivery charge product in My Catalogue
Setup the delivery charge in System Config
Apply the delivery charge to a purchase order
Setup the delivery charge product in My Catalogue
Before you can use this delivery charge feature you must add a My Catalogue product to hold the delivery charge.
- From EQ's toolbar click My Catalogue.
- Click Add
- Enter product details, similar to the below. You can enter any product code and description.
For further help adding products see the article How to add a product to My Catalogue.
You do not need to enter any pricing information because the delivery charge you enter at each purchase order will be used.
- Click the Additional Info tab and tick these 2 boxes:
Don't show on delivery note
Always hide product on quotation
These ensure the product doesn't show un-necessarily on the quotation, order or delivery note.
- Click Update to save and close My Catalogue.
Setup the delivery charge in System Config
- From EQ's toolbar open System Config.
- Scroll to Purchase Orders > Configuration on the left.
- Tick the option Prompt for delivery charge (Added as an item to the order).
- Type in the product code, for the delivery charge, that you added in My Catalogue already.
The example product code below is DEL.
- Click Update to save and close the settings.
Apply the delivery charge to a purchase order
Before you can follow these steps you must have a delivery charge in My Catalogue and you need to have enabled this option in System Config. See the instructions above.
Place a purchase order on a sales order.
- Select your requested delivery date using the drop down calendar and complete your other options such as selecting delivery address and any own reference.
- Next to Delivery Charge you can enter the price that is charged by your supplier.:
- Proceed to place your purchase order.
- This action will add your My Catalogue item to your sales order with the value you entered as the cost price (and a £0 value for sales price). The purchase order number is added to the description of the delivery charge.
This impacts your order's costings when you use the Costings screen, by increasing your cost, therefore showing the reduction in margin.
By having a product code with the cost associated it also provides somewhere to input the cost if you reconcile your purchase invoices against your EQ orders.