When you have more than one person who wants to use EQ it is important to create different usernames with passwords. EQ can allow you to restrict certain options to different users and it records an audit trail of actions performed on customers and quotes/orders so it is helpful to have usernames assigned.
When EQ is newly installed there is 1 user who is the administrator.
Follow these steps to create additional users:
- Click the arrow under System Config and select Users.
- Click the + Add button and a new blank row appears at the top.
- Type a new username in the Name column and type a new password in the Password column.
Passwords need to be unique for each user. - Click Update to save and close the screen.
For more options around users see the article Users (login names and passwords).
For companies with multiple users it is helpful to setup User Groups which control the options that are available or restricted to some users. See User Groups.