Released on 30/09/2022
New Features
- New email window now shows the "Sender address" at the top (email being taken from Users setting, otherwise from the System Config setting).
- When deleting a fitting item from Fitting config (menu), that fitting item (and the fitting group) will be remembered within the fitting charge on existing quotes/orders.
- When deleting a fitting section from Fitting config (menu) a warning message is displayed to inform you that the section will no longer be available.
- Add-on orders report error message fixed.
- Prevented an error message if printing a report using a customised logo, but the userlogo.bmp is not present. EQ will now default to a blank logo.
- Prevented the send sample email being used until a sending email address is specified.
- Fixed an error when filtering the Customer List and editing a record.
- Google Calendar Sync date selection issue resolved.
- Fixed an error when using the Weekly Delivery List and changing number of displayed days.