Catalogue pricing is set in the Supplier List screen. These options allow you to set a discount and margin for a catalogue (or catalogues) just for the currently selected customer. This will override settings on the Supplier List. These discounts and margins are calculating on the catalogue's base price so they are discounting to your cost price and adding margin to calculate your selling price. (For discounts that apply to a specific catalogue see Customer Discounts or Customer Discount Bands). It can be setup as follows:
1. Click Customer List on the top toolbar:
2. Select the Account Details tab.
3. Press Edit to make changes to the customer record.
4. Press Suppliers:
The full list of suppliers is loaded in A-Z order with one brand per row.
5. Enter a figure in the Disc % column and/or the Margin % column
6. Tick the Use box to make this discount effective.
7. Click Update to save and close the window.
If you do not tick the box to use any figures they will not be saved after you click Update. You must use the figures you enter to save them.
IMPORTANT - Discount hierarchy
If you need to specify more than 1 type of discount you need to know the order in which they are applied. There is a hierarchy where one discount overrides the other.
The order goes from least specific to most specific:
• Product Discount
• Discount Band
• Catalogue Discount
• Product Prices