A delivery note is a document that lists all the products that are to be delivered at the specified date. You could deliver orders with every product at once, or you could create multiple part delivery notes. Delivery notes need to be placed from a sales order and are not available while in quote mode. See accept a quote.
To create a new delivery note:
- Click the Del. Note button on the order toolbar (it needs to be saved first)
- Right-click the order reference and select Delivery Note
Print Delivery Note
There are 2 types of delivery note:
Simple Delivery Note - Delivers all products on the sales order. (The only option in EQ Foundation) If Simple Delivery Note is in use, then the Print and Preview buttons are shown. Click to proceed with printing one delivery note for all products. You do not need any further instructions. All your products are considered to be delivered.
Advanced Delivery Note - Allows for a selection of products to be delivered. (This needs to be enabled in System Config in the Delivery Note Layout option).
If this is in use you will be presented with the Print Delivery Note screen:
Order Details
The customer will be completed with their address. You can click the drop down box to select from the customer's delivery addresses (setup in the customer screen > delivery address).
Special Instructions
Enter any special notes about delivery location to appear on the bottom of the delivery note printout.
Order Details
The sales order and own ref will be completed.
Delivery Method
Select delivery from the drop down box if required
Delivery Date
The date will already be completed but you can click the calendar to pick a different date if required.
Products (the coloured columns)
All products on the original order are listed with their item number and quantity and the P/O number. If the products have been recorded as being received you should see quantities in the In column.
1. Enter the quantity you are delivering in the Qty Del column.
(You can enable an option to prevent "over deliveries" so that if the order quantity is 3 you cannot try to deliver 5. See delivery note options).
Click Deliver All so that all the quantities are completed for you.
2. Select the Delivery Method from the menu at the top right, and change the Delivery Date if required.
3. Enter any free type note for internal use (does not appear on the printed delivery note).
TIP - Enter DNS into the notes box for "Do Not Show" to hide any product from showing in the "To Follow" section of the printed delivery note.
4. Click Update to save the delivery and Print/Preview.
(Any items not on the delivery note will show under the heading "Items to follow" if the option is enabled).
You can return to the delivery note and repeat the process, entering additional quantities until all items have been delivered. You will see the yellow Delivered to date column update as you do.
Each delivery note that is created in this way will add an entry to the Delivery Notes tab of the projects screen.