Released on 27/01/2023
New Features
- A new option to change how Product Groups are set against furniture products has been added to System Config > Quotation Layout. The checkbox is Respect product Quote Groups instead of defaulting to Furniture. It is not enabled by default.
With this option enabled, products within a furniture catalogue will show their respective Quote Group (determined by the product type and category) instead of always being overwritten by the Quote Group "Furniture".
The Quote Group can be shown, when you print documents, to split products by sub-heading.
For further information see this article: Stop non-furniture products showing as Furniture (Quotation Groups as sub-headings)
- Word merge function updated to save the Word .doc file before merging, which mitigates disruption from some security policies which will not merge, or allow editing on unsaved documents. (Word shows "Viewing" instead of "Editing"). The change applies to .DOC only not .DOCX files.
- Purchase order delivery address didn't default to show the company (invoice) address or display some other addresses.
- Fixed an error when creating a new email message (using any send method) if you had not previously authorised an email account for sending in System Config or Users.