As well as sending individual e-mails from the Customer List you can send emails to multiple customers (recipients) at once.
1. Open the Customer List from the top toolbar:
2. Click Filter List and select your criteria to show the customer list.
3. Click Apply Filter.
4. On the top menu bar click Customers (next to Help) and select Email All
5. Select a template (or click Edit Popup Contents to change or add a new template).
(Read more about email templates here).
6. Select whether the e-mail content should be including the customer details only or accessing the last action, and select which type of action. This refers to the most recent history/communication entry in the customer's Communication, e.g. the last appointment they had. If your template has an appointment date in, it is this one which will be used in the message content.
7. Select or deselect customers to send to, by ticking or unticking the box by each.
8. Click Send. Your message will be sent and added to the Communication tab for every customer.