Returns notes can be generated for products on an order at any point after the order has been accepted. These notes can be used when an item needs to be returned to your supplier, for example in case the product is faulty.
Create Returns Note
- From the projects screen or the customer screen, locate your order and right-click the reference number.
- Go down to Create > Returns Note. A new blank collection note with it’s own RET reference number is created.
- Click
- Pick the supplier for the return at the top of the screen.
- Use the black
down arrow next to add products which were on the original order.
When a product is added the purchase order number and note will be completed, and you need to add a return date.
Save, so you can print the returns note.
Each note is stored on the Returns tab of the projects screen.
From there you can right-click it’s reference number and open, edit, add notes, re-print it, print item labels (requiring a Zebra label printer) and mark it with a flag.