The costings screen allows you see exactly how much profit, in money and margin terms, you are making. It also allows you to use it as a margin calculator by adjusting one figure to make changes to the whole order.
To open costings:
• Click the Costings button on the main quote toolbar (once you have saved the quote)
• Right-click a saved quote/order reference and select Costings
The costings screen is split into 2 separate tabs: Summary and Detailed Costing.
Note that when a sales invoice has been exported or production has begin on the order, then the columns of the costings screen will be disabled, so no changes can be made. When an invoice has been created the costs are still visible but cannot be changed.
Summary Tab
The summary tab shows a line for each product group. The upper half of the screen shows product groups, row by row and the lower half shows order discounts.
Product Group
Across the columns it shows you:
•Product discount
•Sales value
•Estimated cost
•Estimated profit
•Estimated margin or markup %
"Actual Figures"
There are 2 further columns under the heading "Actual" and these are only completed once you have recorded your supplier's invoice details against an order so you can make comparisons between the estimated cost at quotation time and the actual cost paid to your supplier. Do not attempt to adjust the actual figures here.
You can edit any of the figures except product discount (this is set product-by-product on the quote) and cost price (this is fixed).
Total Ex Fitting and Total Inc Fitting show the total values (excluding VAT) either without or with fitting respectively.
You can click in the boxes to over type the amounts if you want to change them.
Order Discount
Here you can set several levels of discount. (These are the same discounts accessed from the quote discount button).
Order Discount 1
Enter a percentage to take off the whole order value. The calculated amount will be shown in the box
Order Discount 2
Enter an additional percentage to take off the whole order value, if needed. (E.g. you can discount 10% but then discount a further 2% off).
Additional Figure Discount
Enter a specific amount to discount.
Total Discount will calculate and show you the combined discount amount if you have entered one or more discounts.
Sub-Total (Excluding VAT) will recalculate as you make changes to the other values. You can over type the figures to change them. If you want to set a final selling price you could also consider price locking.
Detailed Costing Tab
In addition to the summary tab where you can view product groups, on the detailed costing tab you can see each product, 1 per row.
Left to right the columns are:
Supplier - Shows the supplier you have chosen for the product.
P/O No. - Shows the purchase order number if you have already placed some orders.
Disc % - Product discount in place from the quote (note you cannot edit this column)
Sales - Your sales value
Cost - Current cost price (cannot be edited)
Profit - Current profit value
Margin/Markup % - Current margin being made.
Actual Columns
These figures will only be completed once you have recorded your purchase invoices. Otherwise they will just read 100% margin. Do not alter the figures in these 3 columns, they are read-only.
Cost - Actual cost recorded from invoice
Profit - Actual profit recorded from invoice
Margin - Actual margin made
If you make any changes and you do not want to save them, just use X to close the window. Your changes will be discarded.
When you are finished editing click Update to save and close the screen.
Profit and Margin (Quick View)
If you need a quick view of the profit and margin you can view this directly on the quote/order window, in the titlebar (without needing to open the full Costings window).
The figures are hidden in case your computer screen is customer facing.
You can see the profit (shown after P in pounds) and margin (shown after M, as percent) in the top title bar:
E.g. profit is £1137, and margin of 30%
(To enable this display of profit and margin you need to select it in System Config > Quotations & Pricing > Pricing and tick the box Show the margin at the top of the quotation).