In addition to using the Print options to print the pre-built document templates such as quotations, orders, letters etc. You can also create your own documents which can be designed by you. You could use them instead of built-in documents or for additional purposes too. For example welcome letters or marketing material.
EQ links with Microsoft Word to merge documents. If you do not have Word you can use the EQ Word Processor, EQ WP. (EQ WP works with .DOC and .DOCX files).
Before you continue with this article you should have created at least 1 merge document template first. See this article: Create your own document templates using Merge.
The merge fields that EQ exports depends on the screen that you are viewing at the time. For example if you made a document for an invoice you would have to view the invoice in EQ and then follow the steps below.
Begin in EQ with the appropriate screen open. Quotes to merge a quote, Customer to merge a letter with customer details, an invoice to merge invoice details etc.
- Click the arrow under Merge Document on the top toolbar.
- Locate your document template file. Click onto the document name and click OK.
Wait while your document is being populated with data.
Click Yes if you wish to save the document in your customer folder – if this is the first time you have done it you will be prompted to create the folder first.
The saved document will be your chosen filename with the date added at the end in the format YYYYMMDDHHMM.
- Click OK when you see Your document is now ready.
- The resulting document will be open on your taskbar.
If you have used Word, go to the Word icon to see your document.
If you have used EQ WP, click the EQ icon to see your document next to main EQ.
- You can now view, edit, save and print your document as you need.
If you saved it to your customer folder then your edits will be saved there too.
See also
Create your own document templates using Merge
Merge fields and bookmarks list for word processor documents