This article describes how to set a discount and margin onto a supplier catalogue. This is a very important step to ensure that your pricing is correct.
For an overview of discount and margin levels refer to this article.
- Click Supplier List (from the top toolbar)
- Click the name of a supplier to highlight it.
- Click the Catalogues button on the left to show all the catalogues from this supplier.
This screen opens, where the last 4 columns are those that now need to be setup:
- Select the relevant option from the Priced column:
Supplier Margin (recommended): This allows you to apply the margin that you enter in this screen (or into levels 2 and levels 3)
Retail Price: Only available for retail priced catalogues. Select this option for easier setup, so that you enter need to enter a percentage margin. Your cost and sell prices will be calculated.
Product Margin: Only select this if you wish the margin to be applied globally, and not specific to this catalogue. If this setting is selected you also need to setup Product Margin.
- Enter a discount into the relevant column:
Trade Disc % will show a 0 for you to replace if the catalogue contains trade prices.
Retail Disc % will show a 0 for you to replace if the catalogue contains retail prices.
This discount is taken off the catalogue base price to calculate your cost price.
- Enter a margin into the last column.
This is a retail margin applied to your cost price, to calculate your sell price.
- There is no Update button. Just close this window with the X when you are finished entering values.
In addition to setting a discount and margin on the whole catalogue (level 1) you can also use the discount hierarchy to setup ranges or product types (level 2) or individual prices (level 3)
Catalogue discounts and margins
Catalogue discount and margin levels overview
How to setup discounts and margins on a catalogue (level 1)
How to setup discounts and margins for specific product groups or ranges (level 2)
How to setup discounts and margins for individual products (special prices) (level 3)