User groups are collections of users with defined access permissions. You can control who is in the group and which functions they can access or are restricted.
Before setting user groups, you need to have added some individual users and their passwords in the Users screen. See Users article.
The full process is:
- Create User Groups and add Members.
- Assign access permissions to a user group
Watch the video or click the sections for step-by-step instructions.
Create User Groups and add Members
- Click the arrow under System Config and select User Groups.
- Click + Add and type a group name.
Repeat to add as many groups as you need. - Highlight a group name and click the Members button.
(The Everyone group is always present and you cannot customise the members).
The list of all users is shown on the left and you need to add the required members into the group on the right. - Click on a name and click Add -> to move the name across to the right.
Repeat to add as many members as you need. - Click Update when you have completed setting the group members.
Assign access permissions to a User Group
If left unchanged the group Everyone will have access to all features, meaning that all users will be able to access all features of the program. To assign permissions to groups:
- Click the arrow under System Config and select User Groups.
- Highlight a group name and click the Access button.
All program options are shown on the left, and you need to move features you want to access to the right side.
E.g a sales person would need to work with all features on the customer screen and add and edit quotes but not access invoicing or purchase ordering features. - Click on a feature and click Add -> to add it to the group's access.
Repeat for all the required features.
Tip: When setting up a new group consider adding all features and then selectively removing some, which may be quicker. - Click Update when finished to save and close the window.
Restart EQ for the new security settings to take effect when the user(s) next log in.
Other buttons on the User Groups screen
Click this button to copy the selected user group. The group's name will have '- Copy' added to the end and all of the permissions on the Access button will be copied. The group's Members will not be copied. This can be faster than setting up multiple groups from scratch.
Click this button to take a shortcut to the Users screen where you can add and delete users and access additional user information.
This option is for use by EQ support and training consultants. It provides the ability to import a pre-defined set of user groups with their respective permissions so can save time compared to setting up all user groups from the beginning.